Friday, April 17, 2009

A Distinguished Gentleman

Michael decided to grow a beard in the beginning of the year. He did look handsome with it, however, it was not my cup of tea. You be the judge....beard or no beard. We took lots of fun pics as we shaved away the beard.

Tax Day Tea Party - Part II

Tax Day Tea Party

We braved the elements as a family, and we went to downtown Provo on April 15th to protest the taxes, bailouts, debt, & stimulus policies of our current "Socialist" government. It was a huge relief to see so many others actively involved in the protest. People expressed anger with both the dems and the republicans; but everyone agreed Socialism is our kiss of death as a nation - as well as exorbitant debt.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The End of January News

Ashleigh has come down with a mild case of the Chickenpox. She did have the vaccine, so the case is mild, but I am very glad she got them. I'd rather her get them now, then when she's an adult. I have a few pics which, I'll post a little later.

Michael has joined a classic rock band as the drummer. This is all very much still in the works, but he's doing awesome - he really shines! I'm thinking the whole things a midlife crisis, but it's ok by me. The band doesn't have a name yet, but I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Landscaping - for Carrie!

I promised my sister Carrie - forever ago - to include some pictures of the front yard landscaping. I guess better late than never.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Justin's Baptism

I'm way late in getting this one out. I've had bad luck with my camera and my computer. I did have to get this one posted; It was such a special day.

Utah's Victory Parade

Michael went downtown SLC this past Friday, and he got to meet a bunch of the players from the 13-0 Utah football team. Some of his favorite pictures are with the kicker King Louie and with coach Kyle Whittingham. Michael had a great time, and he went with his friend Nate Hughes.

By the way....for my family and friends who aren't up on the Utah school rivalry....Utah is BYU's arch rival. Yes, I did graduate from BYU; and yes, Michael hates BYU and he loves UofU. This is the equivalent of a UofM fan posting an MSU Victory parade!

Christmas Morning II 2008

Ashleigh lost one of her molars.

Christmas Morning 2008

Writings by Ashleigh

Ashleigh has done a great job with writings in school. She's won awards from the American Legion and from the DARE program for essays she's completed. I really liked the one page "Living In America" essay she wrote in fourth grade, so I thought I'd share.

Living In America

I'm proud to be an American because we have freedom, we have good schools, and we have great people that live here. Also, we have nice homes everywhere, and we get to choose what we want to be when we grow up.

Some other countries have no freedom at all. In other places in the world they have school in one classroom for about three grades! Some even have school outside! Everybody is special in their own way. Everybody is nice. The homes here are nice they have: stucco, stone, brick, siding, and wood. When we get a job we get to choose what job you want. When I grow up I want to be a nurse.

America is a great place to live. These things I have listed are only five reasons why I am proud to be an American. There are so many more reasons.

This year Ashleigh wrote a cute recipe for a Fantastic Holiday Season:

Recipe for a Fantastic Holiday Season

Boil Together:
2 cups of my mom's Gingerbread Trifle,
3 Tbs of watching "It's A Wonderful Life" on Christmas Eve,
3/4 tsp of my Grandma's Funeral Potatoes.

Whip Together:
6 1/2 cups of White Elephant Gifts,
1/2 Tbs Gingerbread Houses,
1 tsp of KOSY 106.5's Christmas Music.

5 Lbs of Getting Pajamas and a Nutcracker on Christmas Eve,
2 tsp of Egg Nog on Christmas Morning,
4 Cans of Amy Wells' Pineapple Christmas Slush.